photo album
This page contains photos of the Persona Hotel.

The hotel administrator will kindly provide you with all the information you need about the Persona hotel.

Guests do not need to worry about ordering a taxi, or train or plane tickets - all these services are included in the hotel service.

To ensure complete comfort, upon prior order, ready-made meals from restaurants and pizzerias of the city of Chelyabinsk will be delivered to you.

The cozy atmosphere of the hall is conducive for meetings and business negotiations.

Breakfast is included in the price. As if by magic, hot coffee, toast, oatmeal or scrambled eggs will arrive at your dining table or in your room, spreading heavenly aromas.

Here we found the perfect combination of homely comfort and European service.

Once, visiting our hotel, you will certainly come back to us again.

Everyone who has to travel a lot dreams of a calm home environment.

A small number of rooms in our hotel allows you to organize an individual approach to each guest.